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ARCHIVE - Passport Control 1-41 - MEDIAWAVE Art Workshops :: PASSPORT CONTROL 15. Kisharsány, Hungary, 2009 - FILMS, PHOTOS AND CONCERTS :: ENTRY



Film – photo – music – architecture
Kisharsány, 30 July – 8 August 2009






The history of the 19-year-old Mediawave Summer Camp goes back to 1991.

This year the Summer Camp is aimed at assisting young artists’ ambitions relating to film or photography, music and architecture by acquiring practical basic and advanced knowledge.


Since last year the camp has been for the mainly young people at the age of attendees and who are at least 16 years old as a part of the PASSORT CONTROL International Juvenile Workshop founded in 2006 and organized at foreign countries as well.

The organizers are focusing on professional work and are not taking a hand in pedagogic supervision. They are looking for young people who long to improve their creative skills and have enough fanaticism in order to show their talent.


Breaking the traditions the summer camp is now moved to Kisharsány and is to be a part of the Ördögkatlan Festival 29. July - 9. August. The animators of the Festival (Bárka Theatre, the House of Arts, Pécs) have requested the Mediawave Foundation to organize the programs in Kisharsány. It seems to be a favourable occasion to hold the camp at a domestic and inspirational place.


As a feature of the latest years’ camps the work in the workshops of the different branches of art, the environment and the festival create hopeful, friendly and professional cooperation. The photos and films of the previous summer camp have not only been installed to the Mediawave Filmarchive homepage but the best ones also have taken part at a large number of exhibitions and projections within the country and abroad.




Kisharsány, 30 July – 8 August 2009




Yuliya Kocheeva, student




- leader:
Mária Vizi (dramaturg, Duna TV director, Hungary)

- teachers:
Attila Antal – director (University of Dramatic Art, Belgrad)
Igazság Radu (animator, director, University of Fine Arts, Bukarest)

- professional trainers:
picture and light: Máté Widamon-Tóth (camera-man)
editing: László Hargittai (editor, FourCat Studio, Hungary), Zsolt Hájos (editor, student of Academy of Drama and Film, Budapest)

production: Noemi Aponyi (Mediawave)
sound: Tibor Jörg, Bence Korompai (student of Academy of Theatre and Film, Budapest)

16 mm, S8, technic of film processing: Szilárd Szilas


Mária Vízi workshop leader, Eszter-Daniss-Bodó coordinator, Eszter Ripka - production manager

- terms of application: for director applicants : synopsis of the planned film, filled application form assigned the specialization, former works (only in the case of advanced applicants)

In the synopsis you should use the following compulsory elements: a stool, a wooden spoon and a sentence builded in the script: ’This is not what I have expected!’ Without them the synopsis is not valid. We are also looking for people’s applications who would like to shoot an independent film with own staff as well. In this case we provide 20 % reduction from the price (maximum for 4 person) if their film plan is approved by the educators.

We'd like to emphesize, that the workshop is not only for directors and scriptwriters. Certainly you don't have attache a script, if you tend to be a cameraman, editor, etc in the workshop.

- participation fee:
- Charge of the professional program (without catering, by paying 50% in advance):
- 25.000 HUF / person in case of applying  up to 15th July
- 35.000 HUF / person in case of applying on the spot, which includes the education, limited amount of stock, the technical background of the traditional and digital picture processing and the campsite.
The second part of the professional charge (50%) needs to be payed on arrival at the camp! The amount of the first half of the payment can be transferred to the following bank account number BUDAPEST BANK: 10103379-10709626-00000005 (when transferring from Hungary, IBAN and SWIFT code are coming soon!!!, sorry!)
Please make the following notation when transferring money: camp participation fee


- Meal fee: 1.500.-Ft/day/person, which comprises the three main meal for each day (Optional!)


Look into the films made in the camp during the previous years! Click here!


Alan Heim Oscar Winner editor (Passport Control 13)



- for beginners
o Theorical and practical performances, displays providing professional bases
o professional consultations every day about the elements of the film-making process
o 1-3 days: development of film plans to be ready for shooting by professional assistants
o 3-5 days: shooting film plans
o 5-8 days: post-works (cutting, sound-mixing – if it is possible by using live music)
o 9 days: projecting the complete films, discussing the lessons


- for advanced participants
o Theorical and practical performances extending professional knowledge
o professional consultations every day about the elements of the film-making process
o 1-3 days: development of film plans to be ready for shooting by professional assistants, setting up casts
o 3-5 days: shooting film plans
o 5-8 days: post-works (cutting, sound-mixing – if it is possible by using live music)
o 9 days: projecting the complete films, discussing the lessons






Kisharsány, 30 July – 8 August 2009


- leader:
Peter Pettendi Szabó – photograper, teacher (Hungary)
(the camps’ photo section leader teacher for ages )

- teachers:
Igazság Radu – photographer, animation film director, experimental film-maker, teacher
(professor of the University of Fine Arts, Bukarest, specialized in photography, internationally famous)


Invited lecturers:
- Imre Zalka (archaic technics, Hungary)
- Gábor Kapolka – Hungarian Press-photo –prize winner photographer (report, socio, photography, Hungary)
- Attila Boltresz (studio and fashion photo, Hungary)
- Balázs Nagy (Photoshop, brochure-editing, Hungary)

- technics: argentotypia, cianotypia, stereo photo-making, camera obscura, black and white laboratory, digital photo-processing (Hungary)



- application conditions: a topic available processing by analog or digital technic is compulsory, please give us more details about it on the application form!!! Former 5-10 photos (just in the case of advanced applicants). Downloading the application form is available at the bottom of the page!

- application fee:
- Charge of the professional program (without catering, by paying 50% in advance):
- 25.000 HUF / person in case of applying and cash in up to 15th July
- 35.000 HUF / person in case of applying and cash in up to 31st May which includes the education, limited amount of stock, the technical background of the traditional and digital picture processing and the campsite.
The second instalment of the professional charge (50%) needs to be payed on arrival at the camp! The amount of in advance payment can be transferred to the following bank account number BUDAPEST BANK: 10103379-10709626-00000005, (only from Hungary, SWIFT code and IBAN are coming soon! Sorry!)
Please make the following notation when transferring money: camp participation fee


- Meal fee: 1.500.-Ft/day/person, which comprises the three main meal for each day (Optional!)

Look into the films made in the camp during the previous years! Click here!




- for beginners

o Theorical and practical lectures, seminars, displays providing professional bases
o Making photos, processing and selecting the daily compulsory and optional topics,
o Presentation and discussion of the sorted photos with the leaders’ help every day
o Finishing presentation (cooperated with the musical section of the camp if it is possible)

- for advanced applicants
o Theorical and practical llectures and seminars extending professional knowledge making photos about the selected topic, elaborating and sorting the photos, presenting the sorted photos every day
o finishing presentation (if it is possible cooperated with the musical section of the camp)


Camp leaders:
Jenő Hartyándi (independent film-maker, Festival director)
Peter Pusker (MEDIAWAVE musical organizer)

Camp coordinators:
Eszter Daniss-Bodó (preparation, organization of teachers and students)
Noémi Aponyi
Orsolya Csete

Film production assistants:
Eszter Ripka
Orsolya Zsigmond

Photo assistant – coordinator of the photo workshop:
Csanaki Melinda 


Additional programs:

FAV (Foundation of Visual Arts) (ROM)

International Visual Art Foundation
H-9028. Győr, Soproni u. 45. Hungary
Tel: + 36/ 96/ 517-666, + 36/


info: edanissbodo@gmail.com






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2024-03-12 22:12

Passport Controll'24 - Workshops and Application

Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!