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ARCHIVE - Passport Control 1-41 - MEDIAWAVE Art Workshops :: ENTRY - PASSPORT CONTROL 26



30 April - 4 May, 2013


(during the 23rd MEDIAWAVE FESTIVAL)



...click here...


"Together trough thick and thin" Passport Control International Youth workshop series was organized 4 times in 4 different locations in 2010. The flms, concerts and photos can be seen here.



In 2011-2012 with the support of the European Culture Programme our music workshops will continue as Cafés & Citizenry - The Roma Origins flared with Romanian and Italian partrers. The films and photos created during the first stage in Kisharsány in 2011 can be seen clicking on the words.


As a reflection of this music workshop we organize the MEDIAWAVE Art Workshop film and photo section during the 23. MEDIAWAVE Film and Music Festival.



PASSPORT CONTROL 26. - MEDIAWAVE Art Workshop - will give the opportunity to work out film plans,  write scripts and the practical realization of the suitable scripts. The previous workshops proved that if the theme is given films can be created even during 4 days. - the completed films can be seen here!

Photographers will have the opportunity to get to know not just concert, portrait, landscape and digital techniques but analogue, archive techniques as well- pictures from last year can be seen here!




The workshop's general condition:


The workshop is open primarily to people above 16 years old.

The workshop does not function in a school system and it is not compulsory! It builds up on personal ambitions. Participating helps to find out which section of art is suitable mostly for the student.

It is already seen from the works of film, music and photo made during the last workshops – webpage, gallery - that the ones who participated more times on the very much practice centered training workshops, acquired a primary or intermediate profes

sional knowledge that gives a strong basis for continuing in the future in the specified areas. Creating at the workshops improved the participant's sensitivity for art and made it real through teaching practical skills. Teamwork also develops the sense of cooperation against egocentrism.

Working, cooperating and realization of art does not stop. It continues for previous participants.



It is open for everyone who is interested, of course:


It is for you if you want to put yourself to the test in an area which might be completely new for you or you can reassure your knowledge in an area which you are already familiar with through teamwork.




It is for you if you find movie making, photographing attractive and you are thinking about digging a little deeper. This is also for you if you already started experimenting but you think you could still use some excellent expert's professional skills during the lectures and practice especially in the ver

y wide raging film area. Or if you are searching for the closest section in the complex film making activity. You can choose what interests you most: being an actor/actress, director, script writer, animator, cameraman, editor, lighting or sound editor?

The film and photo workshop helps to get started or affirm your existing professional knowledge by providing short theoretical lectures. On the other hand the par

ticipant becomes familiar with the fundamental skills of these professions during the film making or photo taking process individually or in teamworks. It is also possible to join a proficient production as an assistant of a director, cameraman, editor, lighting or sound editor.


At the end of the workshop the films and photo sequences will be presented and evaluated. The audience can also vote for the best. The ones who polled the most get presents and they win a free participating opportunity in the next workshop. Previous winners: filmphoto.


What does it provide and expect?terms of application!


The film and photo workshops provides the following:

1./technical and instrumental background

  • computers for editing, projector, camcorder (we can not provide any cameras!)
  • if you have a camcorder, please take it with your other digital camera is also suitable – if you have one please take it with you

 2./raw material

  •  DV tape – the workshop is providing it

3./ request for accomodation in advance (not compolsury, not possible to provide at the venue)

  • youth quarter 3500,- Ft/day/person - to be payed together with application fee

4./ meal requested in advance! (not compolsury, not possible to provide at the venue!)


  • cold breakfast - warm lunch or dinner 1.500.-Ft/day - to be p ayed at registration


5./ professional theory and practice teachers who are providing the following processes:




  • 30 April: arrival, 15:00 - 16:00 registration; 17:00 getting to know each other, start of professional work, theory classes
  • 1 Mayl: film plan realization, casting, field review, staff buildup, shooting and start of editing
  • 2-3 Mayl: editing, postwor
  • 4 May: 18:00 screening of completed films, evaluation, closing party 




  • 30 April: arrival, 15:00 - 16:00 registration; 17:00 getting to know each other, start of professional work, theory classes
  • 1-3 May: theoretical and practical classes; different photo techniques, creating photo series on a given theme
  • 4 May: selection of photo series, 18:00: presentation of completed series, evaluation, closing party 





1./ Application form (filled in completely,) field of interest marked
Application form sent by email (passport@mediawave.hu)
and the singed version also posted to the following address:
MEDAIWAVE Alapítvány
H-9001 Győr Pf. 668.


2,/ short CV
(place and time of birth, postal address)


3./photo of the applicant (1 piece) for the presentation of the participants on the homepage


4./send us the link or a 'how to reach your own film' (if you have one!), photo sequence (max. 10 photos), or accessibility of slam text or video 





Teachers of film:
Mária Vizi – director, dramaturge, script writer (Duna Television)
László Hargittai "Pamacs" - editor (4Cut)

Péter Dömötör - cinematographer

Gábor Szepesi - cinematographer

Balázs Gotthárdi - editor


Teachers of photo:
Imre Zalka- photographer
Péter Szabó Pettendi – photographer




DEADLINE: 28 April 2013


Professional program (without bed and board): 7200.-Ft/4days/person

Participation fee should be transferred by the 10th of April to the following account:

Name of account owner:
MEDIAWAVE Nemzetközi Vizuális Művészeti Alapítvány, Győr
Account number: 10700031-47422106-51100005
CIB Bank Győri Központi Fiók, 9021 Győr, Aradi vértanúk útja 10.
In comment please write: „Passport Control” and the name of the participant.

Following information:







We recommend this workshop for those who have basic film making skills and may have tried to make any visual effects. The participants will have the opportunity to have an insight into the realm of film tricks and learn the grounds of this wonderful but complex profession. In the course of the workshop you can get to know working with green background and its tricks and also you can taste of the digital afterwork (removing green background, rotoscoping, compositing, grading)


We are also discussing the film plans as well as their developing, and we will make green backround shooting and afterwork.



The program of the VFX Workshop:
- 30 April - arrival, 15:00 - 16:00 registration; 17:00 get to know each other, starting the professional work: discussing and realising film plans
- 1 May - presentations, shooting
- 2 May - afterwork
- 3 May - afterwork, editing
- 4 May - screening the completed films, evaluation, closing party




The other conditions are the same as the fim workshop's.

Please, bring your camera and noebook if you have one.



Workshop leader:

András Marcell (Dunaszerdahely)

Studied at the Birmingham City University at film and visual effects department and afterwards worked in film profession in the UK and taught at the Birmingham City and Newman Universities


2024-03-12 22:12

Passport Controll'24 - Workshops and Application

Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!