Source: HirCity
" On 30 May the exhibition of the photos made during Passport Control 5 International Photo Workshop in VOKE Arany János Community Centre. The workshop - which was realized within the framework of Mediawave Festival - had participants from Hungary, Italy, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia. You can see their photos until 30 June. "
You can still apply for PASSPORT CONTROL 6 International Film and Photo Workshop, which will take place between 19 and 21June in Subotica and Palic, for the details click here! Furthermore you can apply for MEDIAWAVE Summer Art Camp ( PASSPORT 7), where there are going to be film, photo, architectural and music workshops. In the latter one blues and gnawa will get special emphasis, which will be taught by original Maroquean drummers....
This week you can watch the results of PASSPORT CONTROL International Film and Photo Workshop which was realized in November, 2007 in Kars, a mainly Kurdish - populated town in East-Turkey.
Our weekly selection is made up of films and photos made during PASSPORT CONTROL 5 International Film and Photo Workshop. Click here!
Međunarodna radionica za fotografiju i dokumentarni film
International Photo and Documentary Film Workshop
19 – 21.juna 2008.godine / June 19-21. 2008
Palić - Subotica, Srbija / Serbia
u zajedničkoj organizaciji festivala ETNOFEST - World Culture sa Palića, i festivala MEDIAWAVE iz Đera, Mađarska / ETNOFEST and MEDIAWAVE co-oproduction
Photo: Molnár Edvárd
Mediawave. The blossom of Győr. A giant wave, from which there is no escape. A wave, whihc makes you wait for the other grabbing you again. If only those several red and grey breacelets could talk! Another connection providing eternal free ways of getting to know each other, learning, getting possibilities, entertainining and giving the background to give yourself fully to arts turning your back to everyday life. Streets are crowded by lovers of film, music and photography. Everything is in motion and the city shows its completetly new side.
List of Award Winners
2024-03-12 22:12
Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!